Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Outsider - Part 11

1996 was her most difficult year. The last half of 1996 she lost her Mother to cancer. A time where the balloon burst with her Father. She blamed him for her Mother's disease because of the way he had mistreated her, how he had denied her certain things in her lifetime. Even in her last struggle denying her to join a cancer support group. She verbally threw all of this at her Father.... Her world was turned upside down ... the person she spoke to on a daily basis on the phone .... the person who she saw every weekend .... the person who fetched her son from Nursery school and aftercare almost everyday .... was no longer there.... What kept her in her hometown now? She had to move to get away from her Father .... all of a sudden he was leaning on her much too heavily .... always waiting for her on her doorstep when she came home from work expecting her to sit and listen to him talking about how great his life was with her Mother .... how they had shared everything .... how happy they were ..... This man clearly was delusional .... her Mother's life with him was a far cry from happy ... She knew she was chosen only because the eldest sister lived too far away ... the middle sister made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him at that time and the other sister lived even further away .... He was not there for her when she was growing up .... why should she now be there for him? The friends he had eventually over the years all stayed away .... He really had no one now .... Was she being selfish? Was she being dis-respectful toward her Father? Was she being .... cruel? She could not answer those questions ... So she moved ..... Not too far away ... probably about 40 minutes drive only but it was what she needed .... She would however together with her eldest sister still come through every second weekend to clean his house and do his washing for him .... This the two sister's did for two years until he found a care-giver .... Then they only saw him once a month and eventually only for special occasions. He had found someone, someone very young who also had a young daughter. His “new” family .....

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