Friday, November 6, 2015

Do You Believe In Angels?

My spiritual path began in the late 2000’s. It was however around 2006, when I realised that we are constantly graced with meaningful signs, not mere coincidences, through our relationships, nature, numbers, events, basically all things this world is made up of.  
Heavenly angels, often referred to as guardian angels, are mentioned numerous times in the Scriptures. Therein we learn that angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve him, and sent by God to watch over the human race, to deliver his message, to guard and protect us from danger, to do battle with other spiritual beings on our behalf.
Since the beginning of time, angels have delivered God's messages to mankind. Sometimes the messages are warnings of impending danger, sometimes instructions as to what to do in a particular situation, sometimes they are simply "there" as protection from enemy forces. Sometimes they bring joyful announcements as in the day they announced the birth of Jesus. Please do not get me wrong here. I am not here to preach Religion to anyone. I believe each and every one of us has a choice as to what we believe in. I am merely writing here about my own Spiritual journey for those who might be interested in it.
My awareness of these mysterious forces that guide, validate, and help us live our lives has increased phenomenally over time. The more I became aware that there are Angels, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters who guide us every day, the more I asked for signs and help from the Universe, the more I started noticing synchronicities. I will never forget the day I asked for a sign and that day I happened to open up my diary to make notes and there, in the centre of the page was a feather!! I had never taken my diary outside. It was a permanent fixture on my office desk! That was the first really awesome experience I had. Over time I had many unexplainable situations happen. Another occasion I opened up my purse to tip the car guard who had been watching my car, and there, once again a feather flew out of my purse! On another occasion I had just woken up in the morning and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on, and there on top of the kettle there was a feather! How it got there I do not know as my kitchen window is always closed at night. Synchronicity is a strange but beautiful thing. Oh and by the way, I do NOT believe in coincidence!!!
I eventually took up meditation and yoga practice as I had heard that if your energies are all blocked up, you will not notice your angels as much. Also, if you want to hear guidance from your Angels you have to be able to silence your mind. If your mind is racing with all kinds of thoughts, worries and if your body, mind and soul is filled with stress and anxiety, well, you will not hear your angels either. You will also not notice the signs around you. You have to be in complete vibration with the Universe to really connect. As long as you feel good about yourself and you are happy, and things make you feel good, it's important to stay in a good vibration. Over the last three years I have made meditation a priority in my life and I alternate my yoga with my fitness workouts. I have now gotten to the point where I am able to receive guidance from my Angels, when I ask them. It takes a while for me to hear them but how I know I am going to get an answer is if I am sitting really quiet and empty my mind of all thoughts, I will get this high pitched ringing in my ears and then I will hear them. The Angels will also get a message through to you with songs. If you hear a song over and over again. They are trying to get your attention. Or perhaps you are thinking and pondering over something in your life and you are not sure what to do and then while you are watching some or other Television program or story, someone will say something and it will be like the answer you were looking for. It’s when these things happen that you have to really start taking notice.
Another way they try and get your attention is by numbers. I think, at first, the numbers are simply a way of getting your attention. I never used to pay attention to them until I started seeing patterns repeatedly. That made me start to wonder if it was intentional and it was after that, that the meanings behind the numbers began to resonate with me.
Now when I see a number combination or pattern, I do an internal check to see if it feels as though it was a communication and if it was, I make note in my journal and look it up at the end of the day. It almost always is relevant to however I was feeling that day or relevant to the question I needed an answer to. I think the best is to go with your instinct. If you think they mean something, then they mean something. If you think they are related to one of your desires, then they are related.
I see angel numbers on license plates around's been a week that I've been seeing numbers every day as well as having numbers brought to me in my dreams!
The numbers I see are: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and combinations of 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s. 8s and 9s; and 0s.
I've checked some sites and they say that 8s and 9s point to endings...also read 8s symbolise karma and how the "fruits are ripe" and it's time to reap the rewards for your hard work.
I check the number meanings on and or I just google angel number ??? (and then whatever the number is). As an example, here is what I got for a number I saw repeatedly. The number was 2011. Angel Number 2011 suggests that the new opportunities or directions you take that will lead you towards new and exciting situations and circumstances will enhance your life and that of others. Trust that your angels are by your side and are guiding your every step, encouraging you to remain calm, balanced and happy. Trust that all will work out for your highest good.

I believe there are angels among us! Sometimes we see them and do not even realise it! At other times, we sense their presence. We just know they are there helping us, guiding us, watching over us. Then there are times when we think we desperately need them and they seem to be somewhere else! I felt like that one day. I had just hung the washing up on the wash line outside and sat down on a garden chair. The wind was quite strong that day. I remember I was thinking that it feels like the Angels are not with me anymore. Next thing the wind just died. Like someone had flicked a switch to turn it off. Everything went so quiet. I then looked at the ground and could not believe my eyes. There was a shadow that looked exactly like an Angel! I took a photo. See below. If you cannot see it, look to the most upper shadow to the right. It looks like an Angel with his wings behind him. To me it was like an Angel standing right next to me and his shadow was reflected on the ground. How much more validation could I have asked for?

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