Friday, February 3, 2017

The Wind Is Blowing In The Direction Of My Dreams

Holy crap!! Goosebumps and I nearly fell off my chair when I read this, this afternoon!! Again this so resonates with me...I am stunned beyond words. Last night while washing dishes I was thinking about all kinds of things...I had a person on my mind...and then I was thinking about what I still had to do after washing the dishes...and then next thing this idea popped into my head from out of nowhere! From there the wheels in my mind were spinning out of control...thoughts racing like a Kawasaki Ninja H2R flying down a race track! I could not wait to get to bed just so that I could start today and get cracking with my new idea. Totally inspired. All done. Lets see how my idea pans out. :D

Today's Daily Angel Card Message for Friday, February 3, 2017

You have stumbled upon the perfect idea, but foresee a few hitches in your plans. These hitches were not something you had accounted for. It may mean considering other changes you weren't expecting or open to doing. It's come up, and you'll have to address it. It's best to get things out in the open, so that you'll have real knowledge to work with. It may not be as complex or unsettling as you are thinking. The angels were giving me several angel numbers to speak to your concerns. The first was 858. It says, “To heal your career and finances, you've got to make some positive and healthful changes in your life. You already know what you need to do, so trust this knowledge and act upon it without delay.” This unexpected twist is helping to push you in this positive direction. Don't resist this. It's a necessary part of your transformation.

It might not be easy to make this decision, because there are many other variables involved. But, this is about doing what's healthy and best for you. You have an opportunity to find happiness and fulfillment in your life, that you haven't experienced for a really long while now. You may want to hang onto a situation as an excuse to make this more challenging than it really is. Resist this impulsive behavior. Take into consideration other key aspects of this opportunity. What other possible details are you overlooking, because you're blindsided by some deep fear? You may have to give something up, in exchange for a whole host of other wonderful things. Don't try to evaluate the new situation with the former standards of your life. They existed as your best options then. Now, they no longer remain the direction and center of your soul's evolution. You have to adjust your settings to the present circumstances you're summoning through the desires your heart is offering and expanding through. More possibilities are endlessly available to connect with you. You feel the alignment calling you toward these changes. Let yourself go there!

The next angel number was 602. It reads as the following, “Trust that God is helping you with your daily needs, because this is true.” As you are called, the help is forming along with it. Everything you need is available through the enjoyment of your participation. The more relaxed you are in your mind, the clearer the beat of your heart's meaning becomes. Those beats are signals of communication from your Source guiding you each step. Obstacles along the way help you review your options, so that you don't close off from connecting with your inner voice. You may not know where to turn in those initial moments, but you will learn to pray for clarity as a practice before reacting to any situation thrown at you. You don't have to have all the answers to start something important. Even when you believe you have it all mapped out, there are far more unseen variables you can't predict. There will be future decisions you don't know about or have answers for, but that doesn't hinder you in this moment. There's no difference between the possible problems you've considered or the ones that haven't occurred to you, yet. When the time is ready either way, the information you need will appear to guide you in making the best choice.

The less you concentrate on little issues the less you create confusion and disturbance in your emotional vibration. The more you're able to alleviate any resistance, you will experience more needs being met in your life. Find a different area to focus your gifts, that sustains your eye for all the cooperation that's actively unfolding around you. If there is a necessary move factored into your plans, don't worry. Pause the list of cons you're factoring. Observe from the intention that the universe is cooperating with you on every level. Some of your concerns will be temporary at the most, but not enough of an issue for you to back out. These transitions have a positive conclusion and eventually give you a peace of mind. You're standing too close to the situation to see things objectively. Don't involve your emotions in negative criticism, as they lay the foundation for how and what you get. This card is also about a period of initial ideas. Enjoy this phase of the process. This is not the stage to start dissecting and analyzing your ideas. This is a time for dialogue and exchanging ideas. It's also about communicating and articulating your ideas clearly to others whom it may concern. Before you assume, get the facts and learn all you can. Leave your assumptions and presumptions out of the equation. Approach the situation with a clean slate, so that the truth can be easily revealed.

The final angel number was 273. It reads, “You're going in the right direction, thanks to your prayers and the help of beloved ascended masters “ Like the card illustration reveals, you may feel you've peaked and clouds have settled around you. It may seem you've reached a dead end or the new circumstances have caused you to feel isolated at the top. Think of this as opportunity to write your own script, instead of following someone else's perspective or expectations. Don't blow the circumstances of these changes too far out of proportion to what's really going on with you. You don't have to be afraid of your dreams or your decisions. Don't deal with these moments alone. Call upon the angels, and especially Archangel Michael to help you become fearless and confident. Ask him for signs validating the path you've chosen. Don't let go of the inspiration, which caused you to take each action step forward. Believe in yourself! Don't always defer to others for belief in what you do.

At that moment when you feel like you've lost the scent of the trail, sharpen your senses and seek it out. The bump in the road just indicates that the wind has shifted to a better course of action. Take a moment to adjust by closing your eyes and feeling which direction the wind is blowing. One thing is certain. It's definitely blowing in the direction of your dreams and purpose! Have an enjoyable weekend of sifting through the opportunities that are in the air for you! Breathe and embrace them. May the Source be with you always!


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