Friday, February 16, 2018

A Different And Unique Path

I have not been this excited about something in a long time! My new adventure that I took up with towards the end of last year is truly making me happy...oh my goodness...I just feel like smiling all day. This card talks about partnering with a person...but in my case it is my is so awesome being a part of a team of like minded people. I truly feel like I belong here. With Jeunesse, yes I was part of a team. I made friends during my time with Jeunesse but in essence I don't think I ever felt truly part of the team. I am feeling like my old self again...relaxed and at peace...and excited to face each new day!

Today's Daily Angel Card Message for Thursday, February 15, 2018

You're beginning to imagine new possibilities so clearly, that it seems like the world is partnering with you to make it happen. This gives you a sense of moving in a strong direction. Although, you don't have quite all the details fleshed out, available options begin to register on the radar of your intuition and instincts. You're excited to delve into a new adventure where your creativity can flourish in an meaningful outlet. Although, you have a ways to go before something materializes, you feel in sync with this particular project. There seems to be one concern that could get in your way, and that's being prepared with the right materials and adequate resources to pull it all together, when you need them.

It's hard to believe that things will fall into place at the right time. Your role is to continue to hold the vision, which also means being open to suggestions from your guidance as they come. You'll recognize when another aspect of your vision is coming into focus. This could happen through an unexpected encounter or event. Down the line, you may receive a green light indication, as an interest in what you're cultivating suddenly increases. This may draw the attention of more clients or patrons. You could receive some offers allowing you the advantage of being able to negotiate a great deal. The resources and assistance you need may come as a gift of time and/or money. Don't let these things overwhelm you, and drown out your enthusiasm and excitement! You might not know where you're going, but take full pleasure in what you are doing and accomplishing each time you express your creativity through your talents and skills.

There's something different and unique about this path. You can feel your full commitment and connection with this project or opportunity. The purpose you've discovered in yourself seems authentic, and is a pure representation of who you are and what you're all about. This is a really good reason to celebrate and to appreciate every aspect of these moments. They are rare. It's not often that you see your true reflection through something you're doing or another person. These are soul recognitions and connections where your spiritual essence removes the veil of illusion, where nothing and no one is separate. They are all one. It's like you're seeing yourself in a mirror, but instead, you see yourself in the outside world, as you recognize the purpose your truth has realized for you. It's like being guided by your higher self without having to wonder is it right for you. You can see yourself in it, and the outcome that's potentially unfolding. The only thing you must be careful to avoid doing is lowering your vibration by becoming consumed by material profits and success to validate your reasoning for pursuing this opportunity.

There's nothing wrong with receiving the material comforts and support. They are the natural consequences of an experience based on your commitment and the deep pleasure you take in your approach to what you're building. You have to cherish each opportunity to work through a problem, as an advantage to unleash your creative genius. Those moments when you have to halt, and discover other options, add immensely to productivity and efficiency of your aim. There's an odd sort of balance these slopes in our journey help to maintain, that's better than a straight line to the finish. You're there to discover just as much as you're there to allow your own expression. You'll want to unearth the complete potential of your power and abilities, as they will only strengthen your confidence in your gifts. These two men stand gazing ahead. One seems to look directly at you happily, and the other has his sight on his goal in a very serious manner. The young dragon is looking at up at the first, who's more relaxed about the future.

Below them, there are dragon eggs, which haven't hatched. It reminds me of the Game of Thrones, and how unthreatening the baby dragons were before they grew to maturity. Like them, you have no idea of the full magnitude your powerful vision possesses. Perhaps, the dragon is giving a special nod to the younger man who is making time to enjoy himself, and reflect on what he's building more in the moment, and less in the future. The young dragon seems to admire his approach. You may be working with someone similar. It might concern you about their level of commitment, and their ability to produce results. This person is a free spirit, and you won't be able to jolt them out of this behavior. Instead of trying, find ways to capitalize on their approach and talents. It seems like one has the yin energy while the other has more yang. Working together will workout wondrously, as you both have strengths the other lacks access to. You'll have cultivate these strengths in each other, which will serve your ambitions graciously. Together, you will triumph over any challenges. It'll be wise not to highlight and emphasize the negative, or you'll get easily stuck in a lack of creative communication.

Archangel’s Michael and Jophiel are available to help you keep your vibrations high and positive. Don't get distracted by other's method of solving a problem or how they cope with them. Try to see yourself in them. This can happen through compassion. You should really ask yourself why you're allowing someone else to irritate you, even when you understand what this attitude will create for you as misalignment. Start thinking about all the things you like about them no matter how silly or unimportant. The crumbs add up to the cake, if you are willing to find enough of them. Trust me you won't have to go that far. Most of it is probably digesting inside their stomach! If they're all inside, then all the reason to look. 😇 See qualities you like about yourself in them to find that authentic connection. It will grant you an opportunity for God and the angels to bless you through this profound act of unconditional love. This was the two great commandments Jesus presented as the ultimate spiritual laws. Once you relate to another from your higher self, you'll find it easy to locate peace around you, and invite profound blessings and rewards of assistance, support, and resources. This is making progress, and achieving your aim successfully and co-creatively! May the Source be with you always!


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